In Memoriam For My Mom
Dedicated to My Mother, Mary Eileen Hill.
March 24th, 1905
Died March 5th, 2008.

Mom with my sister Betty |

She Is Gone
You can shed tears that she is gone
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she comes back
or you can open your eyes and see all she has left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her and only that she is gone
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.
Author B. J. Morbitzer
...For I will turn their mourning into joy
and will comfort them
and make them rejoice after their sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Guiding Light Mom
Mom, from the time I was really young, I realized I had someone...you, who always
cared, who always protected me, who was always there for me no matter what. You taught me right from wrong, and
pushed me to do the right thing, even when it was hard to do. You took care of me when I was sick, and your love
helped make me well. You had rules, and I learned that when I obeyed them, my life was simpler, better, richer. You
were and are the guiding light of my life. My heart is filled with love for you, my teacher, my friend, my mother.
By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

My Mom was always a beauty...this is one of my favourite pictures of her; before
any of us were born, when she was 22 years old!
This is the Eulogy I sent to be read at my Mother's
Funeral. I could not attend it as I live in the States and my Mom resided in Canada.
I am sad not to be there
with you to reminisce and say goodbye to my Mother. Hopefully this little offering will help you remember her the way she
was before the last 5 or 6 years. This is merely a series of snapshots so you may be able to see this lovely lady through
my eyes.
Mom was a talented,funny, modest, bright, woman. Not a soul who knew her could help but love her. She
was one of the few people in the world I knew that loved me completely and unconditionally. Believe me that was no small feat.
As a young person, I had a propensity for embroidering the facts. My Mother was heart sick about the situation.
She had often been embarrassed on account of this questionable talent. Little by little she encouraged me to write my fantasies
down on paper in the form of short stories or poetry. She always told me 'write down all your feelings'. Lo and behold, I
became a forthright and imaginative writer. Perhaps I should confess I am still becoming a writer. My Mom always helped me
with my diversion by encouraging me along the way. As a result; writing has become my other vocation.
I don't
remember any occasion where Mom ever made any of us feel anything but encouraged, worthwhile and loved. She endeavored to
teach me to be a good, moral, and ethical woman. That was not always an easy task. My sister Betty can attest to that fact.
The lessons did not always jell right at that moment; but years later my Mom's teachings stood me in good stead.
lot of people have considered me the black sheep of the family. Well actually it was a draw between my brother Dave and I.
But no matter what prank I pulled off or what kind of hot water I found myself; my Mother was there for me. She was never
judgmental. I knew she was frustrated with me but that only made me strive to be a better person. She might not have liked
what I did a lot of the time but I never felt unappreciated or unloved.
I remember family meals at Modern Fish
and Chips or the Pagoda for Chinese food. I remember holiday meals with everyone around the table in the rec room at the old
house. She was an excellent cook and watching her helped me become a decent one as well. During the summers, Mom and Dad would
try to take whatever children were still in the nest to a different place for vacation. They took my brother and I all over
the States and Canada. I took my last road trip with Pat and my parents in the early nineteen-sixties. I have memories of
Mom making us a picnic out of open hearth bread, huge fresh strawberries and thick cream beside the St. Lawrence River. Or
trying to eat cod fish tongues for breakfast on the East Coast because the locals said they were a delicacy. My Mom took each
thing in stride, each venture as an educational opportunity and each unfamiliar food as culinary adventure.
of my Mother's assets was the ability to make other people feel special right when they needed the boost. She had this uncanny
capacity of turning a bad situation into an opportunity. I think she believed that every cloud really DID have a silver lining.
I believe she accepted people generally speaking as being good until they proved otherwise. Don't misunderstand me; although
my Mother was a kind hearted soul she definitely was not anyone's patsy. I have witnessed a number of times when different
people tried to put one over on her and she made it very clear that they would not be allowed to mess with those she loved
or herself.
Many times throughout my life; I would be ready to flare up or give up. Her strong, caring presence
would be there to help me gain perspective. The only time I remember my Mother being really angry with me was a time in my
life when I had pretty much given up on everything. She told me that I did not have the right to give up on the world or myself
as God would never give up on me. She left me without another word, to mull over what she had said. Before this incident I
did have knowledge of belief but not of faith. I think that was the starting point of faith for me. Spiritually, I found my
Mother ever inspirational.
I know all of us shall miss my mother Eileen terribly. It makes me happy to think that
Daddy and her have already found each other again. But I have this conciliation; death cannot erase my memories or our love
for each other nor can it erase yours.

I know that we will meet again Mommy. I
find comfort in knowing that you and Daddy can see us here on earth and will be there waiting for us all.
